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4 台湾地区客户认可巴陵石化巴陵牌SEBS Taiwan customer acceptance Baling Baling card SEBS 2013/7/11 16:54:06
4 湖南省政协领导到巴陵公司调研 Hunan province CPPCC leadership to Baling Company Research 2013/6/24 15:26:04
4 巴陵石化与美国雪佛龙公司进行技术交流 Baling Petrochemical and American Chevron Co to carry out technical exchanges 2013/6/24 15:25:04
4 巴陵石化橡胶部聚丙烯日产量200吨合格率100% Baling Petrochemical rubber polypropylene 200 tons of daily output 100% pa 2013/6/24 15:24:05
4 巴陵恒逸己内酰***公司硫酸铵出口南美 Baling Hengyi caprolactam ammonium sulfate exports to South America 2013/6/24 15:23:12
4 世界500强壳牌公司高层来岳阳考察 The world's top 500 Shell Companies executives to visit Yueyang 2013/5/22 9:58:06
4 环氧树脂事业部青工亲近生态牵手幸福迎“五四” Epoxy resin division of young workers to ecological hand-in-hand happiness me 2013/5/22 9:57:03
4 岳阳市委常委、常务副市长陈奇达到巴陵公司调研 Yueyang Municipal Standing Committee, executive vice mayor Chen Di to Baling 2013/5/22 9:55:49
4 省委省政府表彰巴陵石化等文明标兵单位 The provincial government in recognition of Baling Petrochemical civilized unit 2013/5/11 16:27:29
4 巴陵石化己内酰***部:硫酸装置挖潜改造项目一次开车成功 Baling Petrochemical caprolactam: successfully drove a sulphuric acid pl 2013/5/11 16:25:11
4 高性能橡胶轮胎滚过出口高门槛 High performance rubber tire rolling through the export of high threshold 2013/5/11 16:23:22
4 巴陵石化橡胶部脱盐装置工艺流程全线贯通 Baling Petrochemical rubber desalting process all through 2013/5/11 16:20:52
4 己内酯下游需求不断增加 Caprolactone downstream demand increasing 2013/5/11 16:19:19
4 己内酯国内研发初见成效 Caprolactone domestic R & D resultsSince 2013/5/11 16:16:50
4 巴陵石化己内酯介绍 Baling Petrochemical caprolactone introduction 2013/5/11 16:13:53
4 己内酯绿色应用可望加速 Caprolactone green application will accelerate 2013/5/11 16:10:52
4 SEBS脱盐装置开车成功助力提质 SEBS desalination plant to drive the success of help to mention the quality 2013/5/4 15:34:16
4 巴陵石化公司专利申请总量首次超过500件 Baling Petrochemical Company's total patent applications for the first time ov 2013/5/4 15:33:08
4 巴陵石化公司迎接总部节能专项调研 Baling Petrochemical Company to meet the headquarters ESF research 2013/5/4 15:32:12
4 巴陵石化公司“五一”小长假生产经营建设安全平稳 Baling Petrochemical Company production of "May Day" holiday safe and stabl 2013/5/4 15:31:08
4 中石化总部召开福建己内酰***项目总体设计审查会 Sinopec headquarters of Fujian caprolactam overall project design review mee 2013/5/4 15:30:16
4 巴陵公司SEBS装置863工段获评“全国青年安全生产示范岗” The SEBS device 863 section of Baling Company awarded "national youth 2013/4/10 8:54:14
4 巴陵石化己内酰***和环氧树脂事业部对标找差距定措施 Baling Petrochemical caprolactam and epoxy resin division standard look gap 2013/4/10 8:53:08
4 巴陵石化自主创新建一流热塑橡胶研发中心 Baling Petrochemical independent innovation, building first-class thermoplastic 2013/4/10 8:52:13
4 巴陵石化“芙蓉”牌尿素增援春耕生产 Baling Petrochemical 2013/3/25 9:50:21
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