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中石化集团领导来巴陵石化调研 Sinopec Group led to the investigation of Baling Petrochemical

Sinopec Group led to the investigation of Baling Petrochemical
Ma Yongsheng, a member of the Party group and vice president of the Sinopec group, and senior vice president of the Sinopec shares company, to implement the working conference spirit of the party's nineteen major and group companies, to strengthen the reform of the system and mechanism of scientific and technological innovation and to promote the deep integration of "two", to the research and guidance of the baling stone research and to see the front-line work The staff of the Department.
While fully affirming the achievements of Baling Petrochemical Works, Ma Yongsheng hoped Baling Petrochemical to keep his heart and mission firmly in mind and firmly believe, guided by the nineteen spirit of the party, conscientiously carrying out the working conference spirit of the group company, pushing forward the work of scientific and technological innovation and information construction, and making great efforts to build a first-class chemical material enterprise. Industry, to make new contributions to Sinopec's construction of world class energy and chemical companies.
Ma Yongsheng went to the rubber Department, the oil refining department and the resin Department on the spot to understand the production and management, the reform and development, the scientific and technological innovation, the information construction and so on, and exchanged discussions with the people on the related issues.
来源:巴陵石化 岳阳石化      时间:2018/4/21 22:12:43
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