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巴陵石化橡胶部:“产销研”组合拳拉动盈利逆势上升 Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: " production and marketing researc

 “以销定产”做好协同组织生产。巴陵石化橡胶事业部生产管理室根据销售计划和装置运行状况,对年度计划进行月度分解,结合市场实际情况,审慎灵活安排生产计划,对月度计划进行动态调整,灵活多变,适时适度做大产品总量。今年上半年,巴陵石化橡胶事业部根据各装置实际采取不同生产计划,最大程度做大赢利产品总量,创造了SEBS月产历史纪录, SEBS累计同比增产、SIS累计同比增产。

Baling Petrochemical rubber Department: " production and marketing research " combination of boxing, pulling the profit rising trend

" Sell " good cooperative production. Baling Petrochemical rubber division of production and management according to the sales plan and operation conditions, the annual plans for monthly decomposition, the actual market situation, prudent and flexible production plan, monthly plan of dynamic adjustment, flexible, timely and measurable enlarge product gross. The first half of this year, Baling Petrochemical rubber division according to the actual device adopts the different production plan, the greatest degree bigger profit total product, created SEBS to produce historical record, SEBS year-on-year cumulative production, cumulative year-on-year increase production SIS.

来源:      时间:2012/8/21 10:16:39
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